When you’re tired after a long day of playing with the grandkids, the last thing you probably want to do is pop your dentures out for a scrub. It can be tempting to shorten your oral hygiene routine time, even if only by a few seconds. However, leaving your dentures in while you brush could have some less-than-desirable consequences. Keep reading to learn more.
Bacteria! Bacteria Everywhere
As you go about your day and even while you sleep, bacteria accumulates in your mouth via food and plain ‘ol exposure to the elements. It’s hard enough to keep natural teeth clean. With dentures, you have one additional problem: bacteria can settle underneath your prosthetic! The only way to sanitize this area is to remove your dentures and give them a thorough scrub from outside of your mouth.
No Teeth? Still Problems
If you already know that bacteria buildup is the leading cause of gum disease and tooth decay, you might still think you’re safe. After all, your dentures are inorganic. Doesn’t that mean they can’t develop cavities?
That is true, but your gums and jawbone can still contract gum disease! Letting bacteria sit in your mouth, particularly underneath your dentures, exposes your oral tissues and bone to these dental troublemakers. It’s best to brush your dentures and gums as thoroughly as possible each morning and night.
Give Your Gums A Breather – Literally
Ever wonder what happens to your gums after supporting dentures for 12 hours or more each day? They start to get claustrophobic. You see, your dentures are made to fit snugly to mitigate slippage, which makes them rather constricting. But, just like other parts of your body, your gums need circulation to stay healthy. If you’re taking your dentures out for your hygiene routines anyway, it’s much easier to simply drop them in their special cleaning solution for the night.
Want Solutions? Talk to Your Dentist
Is denture maintenance a little more involved than you thought it would be? It’s understandable if you find constantly taking them in and out to be tedious. As an oral healthcare professional, your dentist would be happy to discuss tips and tricks with you. One solution could be switching to dental implants. These prosthetics are anchored to your jawbone much like natural teeth, so they actually can stay in your mouth while you brush.
Whether you’re curious about dental implants or would rather stick to your tried-and-true dentures, remember that good oral health starts with good oral hygiene.
About the Practice
Our team at La Prada Family Dentistry has a wide range of experience, enabling us to meet all your oral health needs. We understand that while dentures are a great replacement option, taking care of them isn’t always simple. If you’d like help maintaining your precious prosthetics or finding alternative solutions, give us a call at 214-227-6577 or visit our website to request an appointment online.