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Implant Dentures — Garland, TX

Secure a New Smile!

Modern dentures are better than they’ve ever been. Their stability and durability have increased dramatically in recent years, but if you’ve had yours for some time, you’re probably also well aware of their limitations.

Implant dentures from La Prada Family Dentistry of Garland can afford you much greater longevity and bite strength than you may have had before. If you want to secure a new smile, give us a call today!

Model of an implant denture

What Are Implant Dentures?

3D render of an implant denture

Generally speaking, implant dentures differ from traditional dentures only in that they are surgically affixed to mouth. They are attached to several thin titanium posts that will be surgically implanted into the jawbone, affording them a more lifelike and comfortable fit.

Depending on your particular needs, we’ll recommend that you get one of two kinds of implant dentures: either fixed or removable.

Fixed/Permanent Implant Dentures

Fixed implant dentures are designed to stay in place at all times. These prostheses are attached to anywhere from four to six dental implants and cannot be removed except by a dental professional.

This simplifies the process of cleaning for some patients and provides a much more natural feeling than you would get otherwise. In some cases, you might even start to forget you have dentures at all!

However, it’s worth noting that this style of implant requires much greater jawbone density than others.

Removable Implant Dentures

Removable Implant dentures are sometimes called “snap-ons.” As that name would suggest, these dentures are attached to the implants by either clips or ball-sockets, allowing them to be freely taken off.

They require fewer implants to stay in place and rely less on the integrity of the jaw than fixed implants. They’ll need to be removed for cleaning, but many denture patients are so used to this aspect of their prosthetic that they’ve come to prefer it.

The Implant Denture Procedure

Model of an implant denture in a lab

As La Prada Implant Dentistry, we’re proud to say that we’re able to complete every part of the dental implant process under one roof. This means we’ll be able to assist you directly with every aspect of the implant denture process except for the production of the dentures themselves.

As with traditional dentures, we’ll take careful impressions of your smile and use them to design your prosthetic, sending these plans to the lab. We’ll then prepare you for the dental implant surgery which, as we mentioned, will be handled in-house.

We’ll then have to wait for the titanium dental implant to fuse fully with the jawbone, which is a process known as osseointegration. This is critically important to the long-term success of your implants, and should take anywhere from 3-6 months.

Once this is complete, we’ll be able to attach your dentures, and the job will be done! You’ll be able to enjoy your brand new smile for years to come.

Am I a Candidate for Implant Dentures?

Man talking to a dentist

While dental implants do require surgery, the procedure is low risk—most adults who are in relatively decent health are good candidates. The only risks arise if:

If you have an oral health problem, we can treat the issue before proceeding with the implant procedure. We can also consult with your doctor if you have health issues that could pose problems.

Benefits of Combining Dentures & Dental Implants

Smiling man with dentures

While implant dentures do require a larger initial investment, they offer many benefits when compares to traditional prosthetics.

Some of these we’ve made reference to already. Connection to dental implants provides your dentures with much greater stability, which increases their bite force. It also makes it considerably easier to speak and chew while wearing them.

In many cases, patients find fixed dentures to be easier to clean than traditional ones, and prefer them for that reason. This may have something to do with the main reason why people seem to prefer dental implants: their durability. Even if you wind up spending more on implant dentures upfront, you’ll need to reline and replace them much less frequently. This means saving you money in the long run.

If this sounds enticing, give us a call and we’ll be happy to talk to you about what implant dentures could mean for you.

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